Department of Digital Media and Communication

  • Greetings

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    Welcome to the Web Site of the Department of Digital Media and Communication of TEI of Western Macedonia at Kastoria Campus. The Department is unique in the field of Digital Media and communication in Greek higher education and provides its graduates with specialized knowledge in this field. The Web Site informs visitors about the Department's services and activities and also serves as a communication medium between the Department and its members.
    Our hope is that this Site will be a meeting place between the teaching staff, the students, the graduates, the administration and technical staff, the Communication professionals and collaborators that work in the public or private sector and finally all the people that are interested or related to the field of Communication.
    In this Site you will find Academic information such as the syllabus, guides on Postgraduate Studies that our graduates can follow after their Graduation, companies or institutions where our graduates can do their practical training and the research activities of the teaching staff. 

    Enjoy your visit to our Site

    The Head of the Department 
    of Digital Media and Communication 
    Mihail Domna